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Oak Ridge Electrical JATC
qualifying for apprenticeship
Applicants who meet the following requirements,
will qualify for an oral interview with the JATC committee:
Meet the minimum age requirement of 17 at time of application
Pay the application fee of $25
Submit a completed online application
Submit official High School Transcripts or GED with scores
Submit proof of 1 credit in Algebra or the Tech Math course
Submit a valid drivers license
Obtain a qualifying score of 4 or higher on the aptitude test
Applicants with evidence of 4000 hours of electrical construction
experience may not have to take the aptitude test - you can upload proof of hours on the
application under additional documentation.
Applicants with military experience, that have or will receive an
honorable discharge within the last 5 years, or are active in the
Reserves, may not have to take the aptitude test. Please upload your DD214 on
the application. If you do not have your DD214, please call the office (865)483-9955.
Once the above qualifications have been met, the applicant will be
scheduled for an oral interview with the committee.
The score on the interview will place the applicant on our
ranked list for possible selection for 12 months.
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